Kitchen on the Street is a locally founded community partner purposing to eliminate childhood hunger in Arizona.
Kitchen on the Street stands with children in need at the intersection of nutrition and academic excellence.
As of 2023, the organization facilitates the following programs to eliminate childhood hunger in AZ
and educate the community on the issues that result from food-insecurity:
Bags of Hope: food backpacks that provide weekend nutrition to food-insecure children.
Family Food Pantries: pantries on school campuses, family resource centers and low-income medical clinics to meet the food needs of low-income families and provide them with the nutrition necessary to live healthier lives.
Fresh on Deck: interactive food/nutrition classes in Title 1 after school programs and clubs, allowing children on SNAP to learn about and experience fruits and vegetables generally outside of their family’s food budget. (Partner: Arizona Diamondbacks). For more details please visit www.FreshOnDeck.org.
Taking it to the Street: Classroom presentations to educate affluent children on the issues related to food-insecurity, health and education. These sessions offer hands-on activities to include budgeting and life events that can prevent a family from being able to afford food.
Jr Board of Directors: Jr High, High School and College students participate in a year-long program wherein they learn how to be an informed and active volunteer, donor and board member while using their creative ideas to further Kitchen on the Street’s mission.
Earning 501c3 status in 2007; Tax Id 20-5723799, Kitchen on the Street is a qualifying charity for the
“Dollar-forDollar Tax Credit” through the state of Arizona. (ARS 43-1088)